The online home for the family stobbs and friends

Friday, August 04, 2006

and of course, no French trip would be complete without Chocolate pudding Posted by Picasa

ok, so maybe there arn't any fish in there after all Posted by Picasa

still working on it... Posted by Picasa

havn't caught any fish yet, but still working on it Posted by Picasa

back in their natural habitat at the fountain Posted by Picasa

hungry work this walking business Posted by Picasa

somewhat incredulous that we made it to the top! Posted by Picasa

mmm, very tasty Posted by Picasa

then there was out epic adventure- a proper trek up to a castle ontop of a hill... nothing like provisions at the top Posted by Picasa

running laps around the cloisters was great fun Posted by Picasa

a momentous occasion... our first cultural trip with the girls- Arles Cathedral Posted by Picasa

ahh yes, French juices and Orangina... also key components to any cafe trip Posted by Picasa

and you can almost get out of sight of mummy and daddy Posted by Picasa

you can meet all sorts of fun people to play with Posted by Picasa

this fountain in Ceret proved to be hours of endless fun Posted by Picasa

of course, there's lots to explore... Posted by Picasa

and just hanging out in the square with Grandma Posted by Picasa

ahh, France.... it's all about the Pain au Chocolat Posted by Picasa