The online home for the family stobbs and friends

Sunday, January 15, 2006

move over... no, you move over Posted by Picasa

maisy must be on... Posted by Picasa

is there a Rafi under there? Posted by Picasa

ahh, the ultimate rain gear Posted by Picasa

while Rafi shows off her gymnastic abilites Posted by Picasa

playing around on the duvet causes great hilarity Posted by Picasa

drawing is a big hit as well these days Posted by Picasa

nothing like a good pair of boots Posted by Picasa

speed reading... Posted by Picasa

nothing like a good read before bed time Posted by Picasa

and then climb over the couch and slide down.... excellent fun Posted by Picasa

then there's the new game... stand on the little stool Posted by Picasa

the new kitchen set is a big hit- amazing how often the little bear needs a cup of tea Posted by Picasa

all dressed up in their new Christmas outfits... Posted by Picasa

far too long since any posts... sorry about that... no excuses apart from the excitement of the holidays... which were pretty exciting as you can see Posted by Picasa