The online home for the family stobbs and friends

Sunday, July 31, 2005

until wanderlust takes over again... Posted by Picasa

which keeps everyone happy for a while Posted by Picasa

and after a tiring run around, you clearly need some sustenance as well Posted by Picasa

drinks were most desirable... as were benches in the shade Posted by Picasa

of course, on a hot day everybody loves the fountains... Posted by Picasa

meanwhile, Rafi was a little less interested in the flowers.... exploring the wilderness was more her thing.. Posted by Picasa

and was wondering if she could have just one for her collection? Posted by Picasa

a beautiful... though pretty hot.... day at the botanical gardens.... Freya reckons this is clearly her colour Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 23, 2005

and the dingos were pretty elusive Posted by Picasa

the rhinos were pretty good fun to watch Posted by Picasa

although there's always more to do Posted by Picasa

pretty tiring, climbing Posted by Picasa

and once you've successfully climbed onto a bench, it's definitely time to sit back and relax Posted by Picasa

and in all honesty, clambouring around is just as much fun as looking at the animals Posted by Picasa

off course, sea lions are just as good Posted by Picasa

then, at the zoo, it's all about finding the lions Posted by Picasa

and everyone can show how good they are at spelling... Posted by Picasa

Grandma is visiting, so lots of fun trips for everyone... the Children's museum is always, fun and Rafi can show off her driving skills Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 16, 2005

good cop bad cop Posted by Picasa

then someone found daddy's shades.... Posted by Picasa

cool baby v2 Posted by Picasa

only a matter of time before the shades and the bear change hands.. Posted by Picasa

news travels fast of course Posted by Picasa

ahhh, the big girls couch is really pretty comfy Posted by Picasa

much more peaceful when your sister is not sitting on you Posted by Picasa